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Call for papers

Oral and Poster presentation


Abstract submission deadline :  7th of July 2024
Notification on acceptance/rejection for oral or poster communication : 15 July 2024

Open to: Students (Postgraduate) from the IDOH Community and others from health/biological sciences.


  • One Health
  • Infectious Diseases (Zoonotic diseases; Vector-borne diseases; AMR; Food-borne diseases; Microbiome)
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Disease Modelling, Bioinformatics, Big Data & AI
  • Epidemiology
  • Social Sciences and One Health

Prizes awarded to the best oral presentation on public vote.

Guidelines for Abstract submission

Please read all instructions carefully as incomplete applications will not be considered. 

You will submit the summary of your project or communication in english via an online form for which you must complete certain fields, in particular:

  • the type of presentation : Oral presentation or Poster
  • the title of the project.
  • the speaker author is the person who will present the project.
  • the list of authors with their first and last names.
  • the abstract, which will consist of a maximum of 250 words which must include: relevant background information and relevance of the study; a brief description of the methodology used; main findings and scope of the study; and conclusions.
  • a maximum of three bibliographical references.
  • a maximum of three keywords.
  • an attached file.
  • do not include graphs or figures. 

Since we have only a limited number of slots for Flash Talks, in case your abstract is not selected for oral presentation by the scientific comittee, it will be considered for poster presentation.

Submission Process:

  • Save your abstract as a Microsoft Word (.docx) file using the following naming convention: “IDOH DAY 2024 - LAST NAME, FIRST NAME”
  • Create your account on this website on the Submission Tab and connect to your space to fill in required information and upload your abstract
  • Please note the end of abstract submission is on July 7th, 2024 at 18:00 (CET Time). No submission after this date and time will be considered.
  • You will receive a confirmation that your abstract was received and the selected posters will be announced by July 15th, 2024.

If you have any questions about the application process, please send us a message through our contact form in this website or send an email to: 

Guidelines for Flash Talks preparation

Flash talks will consist of a 5-minute oral presentation of  a clear and succinct overview of a research project, in a manner understandable to those outside your immediate field. 

  • Prepare your slides: You can use up to 3 slides, either in PowerPoint or PDF, as visual aids for your presentation.
  • Font Size: Please use at least 20-point font size so that audience members can easily read your slides.
  • Do not include large tables in your slides: Please summarize your key results rather than presenting large, dense tables.
  • Bullets: Please limit yourself to 3-4 bullets per slide and 10 or fewer words per bullet.
  • Try to avoid the use of acronyms, jargon, and abbreviations: These might make it difficult to comprehend a presentation.
  • Use graphics and pictures: These can be effective in capturing the audience’s attention and focusing them on the point you want to make.
  • Contact information slide: Prepare include a slide that you put up at the beginning with your presentation title, name, affiliation, and contact information.
  • Don’t forget to  proofread and spell check!
  • Practice Makes Perfect:  Please practice your presentation to ensure that it highlights key points, that your delivery is clear, and that you finish within the time allocated.

Guidelines for Poster Preparation

Posters should include:

  • ​Title (with names of authors and affiliations)
  • Introduction and objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contact information

​Layout of poster:

Please make sure the poster fulfills the following criteria:

  • ​Poster size is A0 (841×1189 mm).
  • Printed in portrait  (vertical format).
  • The poster has to be in English (including images).
  • The title should be as brief as possible. Capitalize the first letter of each word (except conjunctions).
  • Print of title, authors, and affiliations.
  • Use fonts that are easily readable, like sans serif fonts (Arial, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Helvetica).
  • The poster should be readable from 1 m away.
  • No smaller than 16 pt. font

​The posters will be presented by the authors briefly during times allocated to the posters that will last around 30 minutes in which questions and comments will be addressed. 

​As our event will be held in hybrid mode (in-person and virtual) we will ask authors to provide  the .pdf version of the posters to allow our virtual attendees to download them.

If you have any questions about the application process, please send an email to: 

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